Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 666 - 700 of 753
creed 教义 more translation jiào yì
creek more translation bāng
creep léi
crepe zhòu
crescent 新月 xīn yuè
crest more translation guān
crevice 裂缝 liè fèng
crew 全体人员 more translation quán tǐ rén yuán
cricket 板球 more translation bǎn qiú
crime 犯罪 more translation fàn zuì
criminal 犯人 more translation fàn rén
crimson more translation xūn
cringe 卑躬屈节 bēi gōng qū jié
cripple 跛子 more translation bǒ zi
crisis 风波 more translation fēng bō
crisp cuì
criterion 标准 more translation biāo zhǔn
critic 批评家 more translation pī píng jiā
critical 沉重 more translation chén zhòng
criticize more translation jiào
crocodile more translation è
crop 作物 zuò wù
cross more translation cuò
crossing 路口 lù kǒu
crotch dāng
crouch more translation dūn
crow 乌鸦 more translation wū yā
crowd more translation qún
crown more translation guān
crucial 关键 guān jiàn
crucible more translation gān
crucifix 十字架 more translation shí zì jià
crucify 钉死 dìng sǐ
cruel more translation bào

Word of the day:
brief · 简略

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.