Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 456 - 490 of 753
composition 结构 more translation jié gòu
compost 堆肥 duī féi
compressor 压缩机 yā suō jī
compromise 妥协 tuǒ xié
comrade 同伴 more translation tóng bàn
concave āo
conceal 暗藏 more translation àn cáng
conceive 构想 gòu xiǎng
concentrate 专心 more translation zhuān xīn
concept 概念 gài niàn
conception 想像力 xiǎng xiàng lì
concern 关照 more translation guān zhào
concert 音乐会 yīn yuè huì
concerto 协奏曲 xié zòu qǔ
conciliatory 和解 hé jiě
concise 简要 more translation jiǎn yào
conclude 归纳 guī nà
conclusion 结局 jié jú
conclusive 决定性 jué dìng xìng
concoct 编造 biān zào
concrete 三合土 more translation sān hé tǔ
concubine more translation qiè
condemn 谴责 qiǎn zé
conduct 作为 more translation zuò wéi
conductor 指挥者 zhǐ huī zhě
cone 圆锥体 yuán zhuī tǐ
conference 会晤 more translation huì wù
confess 忏悔 more translation chàn huǐ
confession 供认 more translation gòng rèn
confide 信赖 xìn lài
confident 确信 què xìn
conform 遵奉 zūn fèng
confound 惊讶 jīng yà
confront 面对 miàn duì

Word of the day:
sincere · 真挚

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.