Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 421 - 455 of 753
commune 公社 more translation gōng shè
communicate 沟通 more translation gōu tōng
communion 交谊 jiāo yí
communique 公报 gōng bào
compact 严谨 more translation yán jǐn
companion 伴侣 more translation bàn lǚ
company 厂商 more translation chǎng shāng
compare 比拟 more translation bǐ nǐ
comparison 比拟 bǐ nǐ
compartment 间隔 jiàn gé
compassion 同情 tóng qíng
compatible 兼容 jiān róng
compel more translation
compelled 迫不得已 pò bù dé yǐ
compensate 补偿 more translation bǔ cháng
competent 能干 more translation néng gàn
competition 竞争 more translation jìng zhēng
competitor 竞争者 jìng zhēng zhě
compilation 汇编 huì biān
compile more translation biān
complacent 得意 more translation dé yì
complain 抱怨 more translation bào yuàn
complaint 牢骚 more translation láo sāo
complaisant wǎn
complement 补语 more translation bǔ yǔ
complementary 互补 hù bǔ
complete more translation chéng
complex more translation
complexion 脸色 more translation liǎn sè
complicate 复杂化 fù zá huà
compliment 夸奖 more translation kuā jiǎng
component 成份 more translation chéng fèn
compose more translation biān
composite 综合 zōng hé

Word of the day:
invade · 进袭

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.