Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 491 - 525 of 753
confrontation 对证 duì zhèng
confuse 混淆 more translation hùn xiáo
confusion 混乱 more translation hùn luàn
congeal níng
congenial 投机 more translation tóu jī
congestion 交通堵塞 more translation jiāo tōng dǔ sè
congratulate more translation
congregate 聚居 jù jū
congress 国会 guó huì
congressman 国会议员 guó huì yì yuán
conjecture 猜测 more translation cāi cè
conjure 变戏法 more translation biàn xì fǎ
connect more translation zhuì
connector 接口 more translation jiē kǒu
connotation 内涵 nèi hán
conquer 征服 zhēng fú
conqueror 征服者 zhēng fú zhě
conscience 良心 liáng xīn
conscientious 不苟 more translation bù gǒu
conscious 察觉 more translation chá jué
consecrate 奉献 more translation fèng xiàn
consensus 共识 gòng shí
conservatism 保守主义 bǎo shǒu zhǔ yì
consider more translation cǔn
considerate 体贴 more translation tǐ tiē
consolidate 巩固 more translation gǒng gù
consonant 辅音 more translation fǔ yīn
consort 配偶 pèi ǒu
conspicuous more translation xiǎn
conspiracy 共谋罪 more translation gòng móu zuì
conspirator 共谋者 gòng móu zhě
conspire 共谋 more translation gòng móu
constant more translation cháng
constituent 要素 more translation yào sù
constitute 组成 zǔ chéng

Word of the day:
acorn · 栓皮栎

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