Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 172
o'clock more translation diǎn
oak more translation
oaken 橡木 xiàng mù
oar more translation
oasis 绿洲 lǜ zhōu
oat 燕麦 yān mài
oath more translation méng
oatmeal 燕麦粥 yàn mài zhōu
obedient 顺从 shùn cóng
obey more translation cóng
obituary 讣告 fù gào
object 物体 more translation wù tǐ
objective 目的 more translation mù dì
oblate 扁圆 biǎn yuán
obligation 义务 yì wù
obliterate mǐn
oblivion 埋没 mái mò
obscene yín
obscure 混淆 more translation hùn xiáo
observatory 天文台 tiān wén tái
observe more translation cóng
obstacle 障碍 more translation zhàng ài
obstinate more translation
obstruct more translation dàng
obtain more translation
obvious 明朗 more translation míng lǎng
occasion 机会 more translation jī huì
occupant 占领者 zhàn lǐng zhě
ocean 大海 more translation dà hǎi
oceanography 海洋学 hǎi yáng xué
octagon 八边形 bā biān xíng
octagonal 八角 bā jiǎo
octal 八进制 bā jìn zhì
octave 八度 bā dù

Word of the day:
issue · 问题

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.