Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 496
abalone more translation bào
abandon 背弃 more translation bèi qì
abash 使羞愧 shǐ xiū kuì
abbey 僧院 sēng yuàn
abbot 男修道院长 nán xiū dào yuàn zhǎng
abdicate more translation shàn
abdomen 肚子 more translation dù zi
abduct 诱拐 yòu guǎi
abide 守候 shǒu hòu
ability 本领 more translation běn lǐng
abject 卑怯 bēi qiè
able 能力 more translation néng lì
abolish more translation fèi
aborigine 原住民 yuán zhù mín
abortion 人工流产 rén gōng liú chǎn
about 搬弄 more translation bān nòng
above 前头 more translation qián tou
abrasive 粗厉 cū lì
abreast 并肩 more translation bìng jiān
abroad 国外 more translation guó wài
abrogate 废除 more translation fèi chú
abrupt more translation
absence 缺席 quē xí
absent 缺席 quē xí
absent-minded 健忘 jiàn wàng
absolute 绝对 jué duì
absorb more translation shè
absorption 吸附性 more translation xī fù xìng
abstract 抽象 more translation chōu xiàng
abstruse more translation
absurd 荒唐 more translation huāng táng
abundant more translation àng
abuse 弊端 more translation bì duān
abyss yuān

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.