Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 561 - 595 of 753
conversant 谙练 ān liàn
conversation more translation huà
converse 交谈 jiāo tán
convey 运载 more translation yùn zài
convict 犯人 fàn rén
convince 劝服 quàn fú
convulsion 痉挛 jìng luán
cook 厨师 more translation chú shī
cookbook 食谱 shí pǔ
cookery 烹调术 pēng tiáo shù
cookie 饼干 more translation bǐng gān
cool 镇静 more translation zhèn jìng
coolant 冷却剂 lěng què jì
coop 笼子 lóng zi
cooperate 合力 more translation hé lì
coordinate 座标 zuò biāo
coot 白骨顶 bái gǔ dǐng
cope 应付 yìng fu
copious pèi
copper tóng
copy 复本 more translation fù běn
copyright 版权 more translation bǎn quán
coquette 情妇 qíng fù
coral more translation
core 核心 more translation hé xīn
coriander suī
cork 科克 more translation kē kè
cormorant 鶿
corn 包谷 more translation bāo gǔ
cornea 角膜 more translation jiǎo mó
corner 角落 more translation jiǎo luò
cornerstone 基石 jī shí
corona 日冕 rì miǎn
correct 对头 more translation duì tou

Word of the day:
evade · 逃避

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.