Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 596 - 630 of 753
corridor 楼道 more translation lóu dào
corrode 剥蚀 bō shí
corrupt 败坏 more translation bài huài
corruption 腐败 fǔ bài
corvette 护卫舰 hù wèi jiàn
costume more translation zhuāng
cottage 茅舍 more translation máo shè
cotton more translation mián
couch more translation chuáng
cough more translation kài
council 委员 more translation wěi yuán
count 伯爵 more translation bó jué
countenance more translation róng
counter 案子 more translation àn zi
counteract 抵消 dǐ xiāo
counterattack 反击 more translation fǎn jī
counterfeit 仿造 more translation fǎng zào
counterpart 对方 duì fāng
country more translation guó
countryside 乡村 xiāng cūn
county more translation jùn
couple more translation duì
coupon 优惠券 yōu huì quàn
courage more translation dǎn
courageous 大胆 more translation dà dǎn
courier 速递 sù dì
course 课程 more translation kè chéng
court 博取 more translation bó qǔ
courteous 有礼貌 yǒu lǐ mào
courtesy 礼貌 lǐ mào
courtier chén
courtyard more translation tíng
cousin 表亲 biǎo qīn
cove more translation ào
covenant 圣约 shèng yuē

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