Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 526 - 560 of 753
constitution xiàn
constraint 拘禁 jū jīn
construct 建造 more translation jiàn zào
consul 领事 lǐng shì
consulate 领事馆 more translation lǐng shì guǎn
consult more translation què
consultant 顾问 more translation gù wèn
consultation 参考 more translation cān kǎo
consultative 咨询 zī xún
consume xiāo
contain 容纳 more translation róng nà
container more translation bāo
contemplate 沉思 chén sī
contemporary 同时代 more translation tóng shí dài
contempt 轻视 qīng shì
contemptible 卑鄙 bēi bǐ
contemptuous 轻视 qīng shì
content more translation ān
contention 冲突 more translation chōng tū
contest 争夺 zhēng duó
contestant 选手 xuǎn shǒu
context 语境 yǔ jìng
continent 大陆 more translation dà lù
continue 持续 more translation chí xù
continuous 不断 more translation bù duàn
contraception 避孕 bì yùn
contract more translation quàn
contractor 包工 more translation bāo gōng
contradictory more translation chuǎn
contrary more translation bié
contrast more translation chèn
contribute 缴纳 more translation jiǎo nà
convent 女修道 nǚ xiū dào
convention 大会 dà huì
converge more translation còu

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.