Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 753
cigar 雪茄 more translation xuě jiā
cigarette 香烟 more translation xiāng yān
cinder 煤屑 méi xiè
cinema 电影院 diàn yǐng yuàn
cinnabar more translation dān
cinnamon 桂皮 more translation guì pí
cipher 暗号 àn hào
circle more translation huán
circuit more translation zhōu
circular more translation yuán
circulate 循环 more translation xún huán
circumcision 割礼 gē lǐ
circumference 圆周 more translation yuán zhōu
circumstance more translation jǐng
circus 马戏团 mǎ xì tuán
cite 引用 more translation yǐn yòng
citizen 公民 more translation gōng mín
city more translation chéng
claim 宣称 xuān chēng
clam more translation
clamber 攀登 pān dēng
clan 家族 more translation jiā zú
clandestine ài
clang more translation dāng
clank dāng
clap 拍手 pāi shǒu
clarify 阐明 more translation chǎn míng
clarinet 单簧管 dān huáng guǎn
clash huī
clasp jué
class more translation děng
classification 类别 more translation lèi bié
classify more translation bié
classmate 同班同学 tóng bān tóng xué
classroom 教室 more translation jiào shì

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