Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 753
chaste 有道德 more translation yǒu dào dé
chastity 贞洁 zhēn jié
chat 摆龙门阵 more translation bǎi lóng mén zhèn
chauffeur 司机 sī jī
cheap 便 more translation pián
cheat more translation mēng
cheater 骗子 piàn zi
check 帐单 more translation zhàng dān
checkpoint 检查哨 jiǎn chá shào
cheek 脸颊 liǎn jiá
cheekbone more translation kuí
cheer 喝采 more translation hè cǎi
cheers 干杯 gān bēi
cheese 干酪 more translation gān lào
chemise 女用内衣 nǚ yòng nèi yī
chemist 化学家 huà xué jiā
chemistry 化学 huà xué
chemotherapy 化学疗法 huà xué liáo fǎ
cherish 爱护 more translation ài hù
cherry more translation yīng
chess 国际象棋 more translation guó jì xiàng qí
chest 箱子 more translation xiāng zǐ
chestnut more translation
chew more translation
chick more translation chú
chide 喝叱 hē chì
chief more translation cháng
chieftain more translation dān
chilblain zhú
child more translation tóng
childhood 童年 tóng nián
childish 孩子气 more translation hái zi qì
children more translation tóng
chili 辣椒 là jiāo

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