Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 736 - 753 of 753
curvature 曲率 qǔ lǜ
curve 弯曲 wān qǔ
cushion more translation diàn
cusp 尖端 jiān duān
custom more translation fēng
customary 习惯性 xí guàn xìng
customer 顾客 more translation gù kè
cut more translation chuàng
cute 逗人喜爱 more translation dòu rén xǐ ài
cutlet 吉列 jí liè
cuttlefish 乌贼 more translation wū zéi
cybernetics 控制论 kòng zhì lùn
cycle more translation zhōu
cyclone 龙卷风 more translation lóng juǎn fēng
cyclotron 回旋 more translation huí xuán
cylinder more translation dǎo
cypress more translation bǎi
cytoplasm 细胞质 xì bāo zhì

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