Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 316 - 350 of 753
clause 短句 duǎn jù
claustrophobia 幽闭恐惧症 yōu bì kǒng jù zhèng
claw more translation guā
clay more translation jǐn
clean 擦拭 more translation cā shì
cleanse more translation huǎn
clear more translation
clearance 间隙 jiàn xì
cleave 劈开 pǐ kāi
clergy 教士 more translation jiào shì
clergyman 牧师 mù shī
cleric 神职人员 shén zhí rén yuán
clerk 书记 more translation shū ji
clever more translation cōng
client 顾客 more translation gù kè
cliff more translation chán
climate 气候 qì hòu
climb more translation dēng
cling 黏住 nián zhù
clinic 门诊室 more translation mén zhěn shì
clique more translation
cloak 大衣 more translation dà yī
cloakroom 衣帽间 yī mào jiàn
clock more translation zhōng
clockwise 顺时针 shùn shí zhēn
cloister 寺院 sì yuàn
clone 克隆 kè lóng
close more translation yīn
closet 壁橱 more translation bì chú
cloth 布帛菽粟 bù bó shū sù
clothes more translation
cloud yún
cloudy more translation ài
clown more translation chǒu
club more translation dǎng

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.