Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 753
carve 雕刻 more translation diāo kè
cascade 小瀑布 xiǎo pù bù
case more translation chú
cash 现金 more translation xiàn jīn
cashew 腰果 yāo guǒ
cashier 出纳员 chū nà yuán
casino 赌场 dǔ cháng
cask 木桶 more translation mù tǒng
cassette 暗盒 àn hé
castigate 鞭挞 biān tà
castle more translation bǎo
castor more translation
casual 随便 suí biàn
casualty 伤者 shāng zhě
cat māo
catalogue 编目 more translation biān mù
catalpa qiū
catalysis 催化 more translation cuī huà
catalyst 催化剂 cuī huà jì
cataract 白内障 more translation bái nèi zhàng
catastrophe 灾难 zāi nàn
catch 捕拿 more translation bǔ ná
category 部类 more translation bù lèi
caterpillar 毛虫 more translation máo chóng
cathedra 主教座位 zhǔ jiào zuò wèi
cathedral 大教堂 more translation dà jiào táng
cathode 阴极 yīn jí
catholic 天主教徒 tiān zhǔ jiào tú
cattle 家畜 jiā chù
cauliflower 花椰菜 huā yē cài
cause more translation yīn
cautious 仔细 more translation zǐ xì
cavalier 豪侠 háo xiá

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soccer · 足球

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