Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 753
campus 校地 more translation xiào dì
can more translation guàn
can't 不兴 more translation bù xīng
canal more translation cáo
canary 金丝雀 jīn sī què
cancel 取消 qǔ xiāo
cancer more translation ái
candid 坦诚 more translation tǎn chéng
candidate 候选人 hòu xuǎn rén
candle more translation
candlewick zhù
candy more translation táng
cane 甘蔗 more translation gān zhè
canna 美人蕉科 Měi rén jiāo kē
cannon 大炮 more translation dà pào
cannot 不克 more translation bú kè
canoe 独木舟 dú mù zhōu
canon diǎn
canopy more translation chóu
canton jùn
canvas 帆布 fán bù
canyon 峡谷 xiá gǔ
cap more translation biàn
capacitance 电容 diàn róng
capacitor 电容器 diàn róng qì
capacity 才能 more translation cái néng
cape 海角 more translation hǎi jiǎo
caper 戏弄 xì nòng
capillary 微血管 wēi xuè guǎn
capital 本金 more translation běn jīn
capitol 国会大厦 guó huì dà shà
capo 吉他变调夹 jí tā biàn diào jiā
capsule shuò
captain 队长 duì zhǎng
caption 标题 more translation biāo tí

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