Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 753
cavalry 骑兵 qí bīng
cave more translation dàn
cavern 大地洞 dà dì dòng
caviar more translation ér
cease more translation
cedar more translation bǎi
ceiling 天花板 tiān huā bǎn
celebrant 银流河 Yín liú hé
celebrate more translation qìng
celebrity 名人 more translation míng rén
celery 芹菜 qín cài
celestial 天上 tiān shàng
cell 密室 more translation mì shì
cellar 地窖 more translation dì jiào
cellphone 大哥大 more translation dà gē dà
cellulose 纤维素 xiān wéi sù
cement 三合土 more translation sān hé tǔ
cemetery 公墓 more translation gōng mù
censure more translation biǎn
census 普查 more translation pǔ chá
cent 分钱 more translation fēn qián
centigrade 摄氏 shè shì
centipede more translation
central 中央 zhōng yāng
centrifuge 离心机 lí xīn jī
century 世纪 shì jì
ceramic 瓷砖 cí zhuān
cereal 谷类 more translation gǔ lèi
cerebellum 小脑 xiǎo nǎo
ceremonious 隆重 lóng zhòng
ceremony more translation
cerium shì
certain 必然 more translation bì rán
certainty 把握 more translation bǎ wò
certificate more translation zhèng

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