Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 418
bosom 怀 more translation huái
boson 玻色子 bō sè zi
boss more translation bǎn
botany 植物学 zhí wù xué
both more translation liǎ
bother 烦扰 fán rǎo
bothersome 伤脑筋 more translation shāng nǎo jīn
bottle more translation píng
bottleneck 瓶颈 píng jǐng
bottom more translation
botulin 肉毒素 ròu dú sù
botulism 肉中毒 ròu zhōng dú
boulder 漂砾 more translation piāo lì
bounce 乱跳 luàn tiào
bound 边际 more translation biān jì
boundary more translation
bouquet 花束 huā shù
bout dùn
bowl more translation àng
box more translation fāng
boy 男孩 more translation nán hái
boycott 抵制 dǐ zhì
boyish 孩子气 hái zi qì
bracelet more translation chuàn
bracket 托架 more translation tuō jià
brag more translation dàn
braid 编织 more translation biān zhī
brain 大脑 more translation dà nǎo
brainwash 洗脑 xǐ nǎo
brake rèn
bramble more translation léi
bran more translation
brass 黄铜 huáng tóng
brassiere more translation
brave more translation mào

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.