Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 418
bed more translation chuáng
bedbug 壁虱 bì shī
bedroom 寝室 more translation qǐn shì
bedside 床侧 chuáng cè
bedtime 就寝时间 jiù qǐn shí jiān
beech 榉木 jǔ mù
beef 牛肉 niú ròu
beehive 蜜蜂房 mì fēng fáng
beer more translation
beet 甜菜 tián cài
beetle 甲虫 more translation jiǎ chóng
befall 降临 more translation jiàng lìn
before more translation qián
beforehand more translation
beg 恳求 more translation kěn qiú
beggar more translation gài
begin more translation chù
beginning 开始 more translation kāi shǐ
beguile more translation shàn
behead 砍头 more translation kǎn tóu
behind more translation hòu
beige 米黄 mǐ huáng
belch more translation
belief 信奉 more translation xìn fèng
believe 相信 more translation xiāng xìn
belittle 贬低 more translation biǎn dī
bell zhōng
belle 美人 měi rén
bellow 怒吼 nù hǒu
belly 肚子 more translation dù zi
below more translation xià
belt more translation dài
bemoan 哀叹 āi tàn
bench 长椅 more translation cháng yī
bend more translation ào

Word of the day:
indefinite · 不明确

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.