Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 418
bar more translation jiàn
barb 矛头 máo tóu
barbarian more translation mán
barbarous more translation lǒng
barbecue 烧烤 shāo kǎo
barber 理发师 lǐ fǎ shī
barbital 巴比妥 bā bǐ tuǒ
bard 诗人 shī rén
bare more translation chì
barefoot 赤脚 more translation chì jiǎo
barely more translation gāng
bargain 议价 yì jià
barge 驳船 more translation bó chuán
baritone 男中音 nán zhōng yīn
barium bèi
barley 大麦 more translation dà mài
barn more translation cāng
barometer 气压表 more translation qì yā biǎo
baron 男爵 nán jué
barrack 收留所 shōu liú suǒ
barracuda 梭鱼 suō yú
barrel 大桶 more translation dà tǒng
barren 不毛 more translation bù máo
barrier 壁垒 more translation bì lěi
base more translation
baseball 棒球 bàng qiú
bashful more translation
basic more translation
basin more translation pén
basis 基础 more translation jī chǔ
basket more translation fāng
basketball 篮球 lán qiú
bass 低音 dī yīn
bastard 坏蛋 more translation huài dàn
bat more translation biān

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