Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 418
bicycle 自行车 zì xíng chē
bid more translation biāo
big more translation
bikini 比基尼 bǐ jī ní
bilateral 两岸 more translation liǎng àn
bile 胆汁 dǎn zhī
bilingual 双语 shuāng yǔ
bill 比尔 more translation Bǐ ěr
billow 大浪 dà làng
bin more translation tǒng
bind more translation
binomial 二项式 èr xiàng shì
biography more translation zhuàn
biology 生物学 shēng wù xué
biopsy 活体检视 huó tǐ jiǎn shì
birch 桦木 more translation huà mù
bird more translation bēi
birth dàn
birthday more translation dàn
birthplace 出生地 chū shēng dì
birthright 生有权 more translation shēng yǒu quán
biscuit 饼干 more translation bǐng gān
bishop 主教 zhǔ jiào
bit 位元 wèi yuán
bitch 母狗 mǔ gǒu
bite more translation dié
bitter more translation
bituminous 沥青 lì qīng
bizarre 奇异 qí yì
black more translation hēi
blackberry 黑莓子 hēi méi zi
blackboard 黑板 hēi bǎn
blacken more translation

Word of the day:
spoil · 溺爱

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