Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 316 - 350 of 418
bravery 英勇 yīng yǒng
brawl ōu
brazier chén
bread 面包 miàn bāo
breadth 广度 more translation guǎng dù
break more translation
breakdown 故障 gù zhàng
breakfast 早餐 more translation zǎo cān
breakthrough 突破 tū pò
bream 蝙鱼 more translation biān yú
breast more translation nǎi
breath 鼻息 more translation bí xī
breathe 呼吸 hū xī
breed 繁殖 more translation fán zhí
breeze 和风 hé fēng
brethren 弟兄们 more translation dì xiōng mén
brew more translation niàng
bribe 贿 more translation huì
bribery 贿 more translation huì
brick more translation zhuān
bride 新娘 xīn niáng
bridegroom 新郎 xīn láng
bridge more translation liáng
bridle more translation
brief 案由 more translation àn yóu
bright more translation
brilliant more translation bǐng
brine more translation cuó
bring dài
brink 边缘 more translation biān yuán
brisk 活泼 more translation huó po
bristle 刚毛 gāng máo
brittle more translation cuì
broad 博大 more translation bó dà

Word of the day:
vessel · 容器

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.