Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 386 - 418 of 418
bulk 体积 tǐ jī
bulky 粗大 cū dà
bull 公牛 more translation gōng niú
bulldog 叭啦狗 more translation bā lā gǒu
bullet more translation dàn
bulletin 布告 more translation bù gào
bullock more translation
bumblebee 大黄蜂 more translation dà huáng fēng
bun 圆形面包 yuán xíng miàn bāo
bunch more translation
bundle 集合体 more translation jí hé tǐ
bungalow 平房 píng fáng
bunny 栗鼠 lì shǔ
burial 葬礼 zàng lǐ
burn more translation fán
burnt jiāo
bury more translation cuò
bus 公共汽车 more translation gōng gòng qì chē
bust 半身像 bàn shēn xiàng
busy 繁忙 more translation fán máng
but 不过 more translation bù guò
butane 丁烷 dīng wán
butler 傭人领班 yōng rén lǐng bān
butt 屁股 more translation pì gu
butterfly more translation dié
button more translation kòu
buxom fēng
buy 采买 more translation cǎi mǎi
buzz 嗡嗡 wēng wēng
buzzing zào
by more translation kào
bypass 分流 fēn liú
byte 字节 zì jié

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