Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 418
blank more translation bái
blanket more translation bèi
blasphemy 亵渎 more translation xiè dú
blast 爆破 more translation bào pò
blather 胡扯 more translation hú chě
blaze more translation biāo
bleach more translation
blemish more translation
blend 拌和 more translation bàn hé
bless 保佑 more translation bǎo yòu
blind 百叶窗 more translation bǎi yè chuāng
blink more translation piē
blister 水泡 shuǐ pào
blizzard 暴风雪 bào fēng xuě
bloc 集团 jí tuán
block more translation dūn
blockade 封锁 fēng suǒ
blockage 堵塞 dǔ sè
blond 金发 jīn fǎ
blood more translation huāng
bloody 残忍 more translation cán rěn
bloom 花开 huā kāi
blossom more translation huā
blot 污痕 wū hén
blouse 衬衫 more translation chèn shān
blowfish hóu
blue more translation
bluff 讹诈 more translation é zhà
blunder more translation cuò
blunt 不客气 more translation bú kè qì
blur 混淆 more translation hùn xiáo
blush 害羞 more translation hài xiū
boar 公猪 more translation gōng zhū
board more translation bǎn

Word of the day:
durable · 有耐久力

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.