Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 246 - 258 of 258
gum more translation mén
gun more translation pào
gunman 枪手 qiāng shǒu
gunmen 武装分子 wǔ zhuāng fèn zǐ
gunpowder 火药 huǒ yào
gust 阵风 zhèn fēng
guy 家伙 more translation jiā huǒ
gym 体育馆 tǐ yù guǎn
gymnasium 体育馆 tǐ yù guǎn
gymnastic 体操 tǐ cāo
gymnosperm 裸子植物 luǒ zǐ zhí wù
gypsy 吉普赛人 jí pǔ sài rén
gyroscope 陀螺 tuó luó

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