Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 258
glaucoma 青光眼 qīng guāng yǎn
gleam 一线微光 yī xiàn wéi guāng
glee 欢乐 huān lè
glen 狭谷 xiá gǔ
glide 滑翔 huá xiáng
glimmer 微光 more translation wēi guāng
glimpse 一瞥 yī piē
glint 闪耀 shǎn yào
glisten 闪亮 shǎn liàng
glitch 故障 gù zhàng
glitter 灿烂 càn làn
global 全球 more translation quán qiú
globe 球状物 more translation qiú zhuàng wù
gloom 幽暗 yōu àn
gloomy 郁闷 more translation yù mèn
glorify 加荣耀于 jiā róng yào yú
glorious more translation bǐng
glory more translation róng
glossy 光滑 guāng hua
glove 手套 shǒu tào
glow 炽热 more translation chì rè
glue jiāo
godfather 教父 jiào fù
godhead 神格 more translation shén gé
godmother 教母 jiào mǔ
gold 黄金 more translation huáng jīn
golden 金黄 more translation jīn huáng
goldfish 金鱼 jīn yú
goldsmith 金匠 jīn jiàng
golf 高尔夫 more translation gāo ěr fū
gong luó
good more translation é
goodwill 亲善 more translation qīn shàn
goose é
gore 血块 xuè kuài

Word of the day:
mollusk · 软体动物

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