Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 258
grizzly 灰色 huī sè
groan shēn
grocer 杂货商 zá huò shāng
groom 马夫 mǎ fū
groove more translation cáo
grope 摸索 mō suo
grotesque 古怪 gǔ guài
ground more translation
group more translation biān
grove 树林 more translation shù lín
grovel 拜倒 bài dǎo
grow 生长 more translation shēng zhǎng
growl 咆哮 páo xiāo
grownup 大人 dà ren
growth 发育 more translation fā yù
grub qiú
grudge more translation xià
gruff 粗糙 cū cāo
grumble 抱怨 more translation bào yuàn
grunt 咕噜 gū lū
guanidine guā
guarantee 包管 more translation bāo guǎn
guard 警备 more translation jǐng bèi
guardian 监护人 more translation jiàn hù rén
guess 臆测 more translation yì cè
guest more translation
guide more translation xiàng
guild 公会 gōng huì
guilt more translation zuì
guilty 有罪 yǒu zuì
guinea 几内亚 Jī nèi yà
guitar 吉他 jí tā
gulf wān
gulp 牛饮 niú yǐn

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