Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 258
gorge more translation xiá
gorgeous 华彩 more translation huá cǎi
gorilla 大猩猩 dà xīng xīng
gospel 福音 fú yīn
gossip 摆龙门阵 more translation bǎi lóng mén zhèn
gourd more translation guā
gout 痛风 tòng fēng
govern 治理 more translation zhì lǐ
governess more translation bǎo
government more translation guān
gown more translation
grab 抓住 zhuā zhù
grace 恩典 more translation ēn diǎn
gracious 亲切 qīn qiè
grade more translation děng
gradient 梯度 tī dù
gradual more translation huǎn
graduation 毕业 more translation bì yè
grain 谷类 more translation gǔ lèi
grammar 文法 more translation wén fǎ
granary more translation cāng
grand 隆重 more translation lóng zhòng
granddaughter 外孙女 wài sūn nǚ
grandeur 高贵 gāo guì
grandnephew 侄孙 zhí sūn
grandpa 老大爷 more translation lǎo dà yé
grandson sūn
granite 花岗岩 more translation huā gāng yán
granny 老大娘 lǎo dà niáng
grant more translation
granule 颗粒 more translation kē lì
grape 葡萄 pú tao
grapefruit 葡萄柚 pú tao yòu
grapheme 字素 zì sù

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