Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 258
gateway more translation mén
gather more translation zǒng
gaudy 花哨 huā shao
gauge 标准尺寸 more translation biāo zhǔn chǐ cùn
gauss 高斯 gāo sī
gauze more translation luó
gay 欢乐 more translation huān lè
gaze more translation dīng
gear more translation lún
gecko 壁虎 bì hǔ
geisha 艺伎 more translation yì jì
gelatin 明胶 míng jiāo
gem 宝石 more translation bǎo shí
genealogy 家谱 jiā pǔ
general 上将 more translation shàng jiàng
generate 生成 shēng chéng
generation more translation dài
generous more translation chuò
genesis 创世纪 chuàng shì jì
genial 和蔼可亲 hé ǎi kě qīn
genius 天才 tiān cái
genotype 基因型 jī yīn xíng
gentile 外邦人 wài bāng rén
gentle more translation
gentleman more translation jūn
gentry 名流 míng liú
genuine more translation chún
genus 种类 zhǒng lèi
geographer 地理学家 dì lǐ xué jiā
geography 地理 more translation dì lǐ
geology 地质学 more translation dì zhí xué
geophysics 地球物理学 dì qiú wù lǐ xué
germ more translation jūn
germanium more translation
germinate 发芽 fā yá

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