Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 312 of 312
expound 诠释 quán shì
express biǎo
expression 表现 more translation biǎo xiàn
expropriate 征用 more translation zhēng yòng
exquisite 绝妙 jué miào
extant 现存 xiàn cún
extend more translation
extension 延期 more translation yán qí
extensive more translation
extent more translation jiè
exterior biǎo
exterminate more translation tiǎn
external more translation biǎo
extinct more translation jué
extinguish more translation miè
extol 歌颂 gē sòng
extort more translation
extract 抽出 more translation chōu chū
extramarital 婚外 hūn wài
extraneous rǒng
extraordinary 非常 more translation fēi cháng
extravagant more translation chǐ
extreme 非常 more translation fēi cháng
exuberant 盎然 more translation àng rán
exultation 大喜 dà xǐ
eye more translation
eyeball 眼球 yǎn qiú
eyebrow more translation méi
eyelid more translation jiǎn
eyesight 眼帘 yǎn lián
eyewitness 目击者 mù jī zhě

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state · 社稷

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.