Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 312
effect 作用 more translation zuò yòng
efficacious líng
efficacy xiào
efficient 效能 xiào néng
effort 功夫 more translation gōng fu
egg more translation
eggplant qié
eggshell 蛋壳 dàn ké
eighteen 十八 shí bā
eighteenth 第十八 dì shí bā
eighth 第八 dì bā
eightieth 第八十 dì bā shí
eighty 八十 bā shí
either 二者之一 èr zhě zhī yī
elaborate 精巧 jīng qiǎo
elapse 逝去 shì qù
elastic 松紧带 sōng jǐn dài
elbow 手肘 more translation shǒu zhǒu
elder more translation cháng
eldest more translation
elect 推举 more translation tuī jǔ
election 选举 xuǎn jǔ
electric more translation diàn
electrician 电工 diàn gōng
electrocardiogram 心电图 xīn diàn tú
electrode 电极 diàn jí
electrolysis 电解 diàn jiě
electrolyte 电解质 diàn jiě zhì
electron 电子 diàn zǐ
electronic 电子 diàn zǐ
electrophoresis 电泳 diàn yǒng
elegant 高雅 more translation gāo yǎ
elegy 哀歌 more translation āi gē
element 成份 more translation chéng fèn

Word of the day:
invest · 投产

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