Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 312
evening 黄昏 more translation huáng hūn
event 事件 shì jiàn
ever more translation cháng
evergreen 常绿 cháng lǜ
everlasting 永久 yǒng jiǔ
every more translation fán
everybody 每个人 měi gè rén
everyday 经常 more translation jīng cháng
everyone 大家 more translation dà jiā
everything 一切 more translation yī qiè
everywhere more translation biàn
evidence more translation xìn
evident 显然 xiǎn ran
evil more translation dǎi
evildoer 妖孽 yāo niè
evolution 进化 more translation jìn huà
ewe 母羊 mǔ yáng
exact 精密 more translation jīng mì
exaggerate 夸大 more translation kuā dà
exalt 擢升 zhuó shēng
exaltation 超升 chāo shēng
examination shì
excavate 采掘 more translation cǎi jué
exceed 超过限度 more translation chāo guò xiàn dù
excel 胜过 more translation shèng guò
excellent more translation jīng
excite 激起 more translation jī qǐ
exclude more translation bìn
excursion 远足 yuǎn zú
excuse 包涵 more translation bāo hán
execute more translation cuò
executive 主管人员 zhǔ guǎn rén yuán
exemplify 例示 more translation lì shì
exempt 豁免 huò miǎn
exercise 练习 more translation liàn xí

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.