Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 312
enter jìn
enterprise 事业 more translation shì yè
entertain more translation chóu
enthalpy hán
enthusiasm 积极性 more translation jī jí xìng
enthusiast 爱好者 more translation ài hào zhě
enthusiastic 热心 more translation rè xīn
entice more translation dàn
entire more translation quán
entirety 整体 zhěng tǐ
entity 实体 shí tǐ
entomology 昆虫学 kūn chóng xué
entrance 大门 more translation dà mén
entropy shāng
enumerate 列举 liè jǔ
envious 羡慕 more translation xiàn mù
envoy 使者 shǐ zhě
envy 羡慕 more translation xiàn mù
enzyme méi
epic 史诗 shǐ shī
epidemic more translation wēn
epidemiology 流行病学 liú xíng bìng xué
episode 插曲 chā qǔ
epistemology 知识论 zhī shi lùn
epistle 书信 shū xìn
epitaph 墓志铭 mù zhì míng
epithelium 上皮 shàng pí
epoxy 环氧树脂 huán yǎng shù zhī
equal more translation dàng
equilibrium 平衡 píng héng
equitable 公正 gōng zhèng
equivalent 同样 more translation tóng yàng
era more translation dài
eradicate more translation chī
erasable 可擦写 kě cā xiě

Word of the day:
element · 元素

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.