Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 312
erbium ěr
erect 安装 more translation ān zhuāng
erosion 侵蚀作用 qīn shí zuò yòng
erotica 情色 qíng sè
err cuō
erroneous more translation miù
error more translation cuò
ersatz 假的 jiǎ de
erudite 饱学 more translation bǎo xué
escape more translation
esquire 男性尊称 nán xìng zūn chēng
essay 文章 more translation wén zhāng
essence 精英 more translation jīng yīng
essential 要素 more translation yào sù
establish 建成 more translation jiàn chéng
estate more translation chǎn
esteem jīn
ester zhǐ
estimate more translation kuí
etc 白脸 more translation bái liǎn
eternal 万古长青 more translation wàn gǔ cháng qīng
ethanol 乙醇 yǐ chún
ether more translation
etiquette 礼节 more translation lǐ jié
etymology 语源 yǔ yuán
eucalyptus 桉树 ān shù
eulogy lěi
euphemism 委婉语 wěi wǎn yǔ
europium yǒu
euthanasia 安乐死 ān lè sǐ
evacuate 撤离 chè lí
evade 避开 more translation bì kāi
evaluate 评说 more translation píng shuō
eve 前夕 more translation qián xī
even more translation dōu

Word of the day:
nurse · 哺乳

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.