Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 675
physical 物理 wù lǐ
physics 物理 more translation wù lǐ
physiology 生理 more translation shēng lǐ
pi 圆周率 yuán zhōu lǜ
pianist 钢琴家 gāng qín jiā
piano 钢琴 gāng qín
piazza 走廊 zǒu láng
pick more translation chā
picket zhí
pickle more translation yān
picky 挑剔 tiāo ti
picnic 野餐 yě cān
picture more translation xiàng
picturesque 如画 rú huà
pidgin 皮钦语 pí qīn yǔ
pie 馅饼 xiàn bǐng
piece more translation kuāi
pier more translation dūn
pierce more translation
pig zhū
pigeon more translation
pigtail 辫子 biàn zi
pike more translation máo
pile more translation zhuāng
pilgrim 朝圣者 cháo shèng zhě
pill more translation wán
pillage 抢夺 qiǎng duó
pillar 顶梁柱 more translation dǐng liáng zhù
pillow more translation zhěn
pilot 飞行员 more translation fēi xíng yuán
pimp 皮条客 pí tiáo kè
pimple more translation
pin more translation zhēn
pine sōng
pineapple 菠萝 more translation bō luó

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