Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 675
parliament 国会 more translation guó huì
parole 假释 jiǎ shì
parrot more translation
parsley 香菜 xiāng cài
parson 牧师 mù shī
part more translation
partake 分享 fēn xiǎng
participant 参与者 cān yù zhě
participate more translation cān
participle 分词 fēn cí
particle 微粒 wēi lì
particular 特殊 more translation tè shū
partisan 党派 dǎng pài
partition 瓜分 guā fēn
partner more translation huǒ
partridge 斑翅山鹑 more translation bān chì shān chún
party more translation dǎng
pass 度过 more translation dù guò
passage 通道 tōng dào
passageway 楼道 lóu dào
passenger 乘客 chéng kè
passion more translation qíng
passionate 热情 rè qíng
passive 被动 more translation bèi dòng
passport 护照 hù zhào
password 密码 mì mǎ
past more translation
paste more translation
pastime 消遣 xiāo qiǎn
pastor 牧师 more translation mù shī
pastoral 牧人 mù rén
pastry more translation bǐng
pasture 牧场 mù chǎng
patch 补丁 more translation bǔ dīng

Word of the day:
whimper · 呜咽

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.