Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 675
path more translation guǐ
pathogen 病因 bìng yīn
pathogenesis 病机 bìng jī
pathogenic 致病 zhì bìng
pathology 病理 more translation bìng lǐ
patient 忍耐 more translation rěn nài
patriot 爱国者 ài guó zhě
patriotic 爱国 ài guó
patrol luó
pattern more translation yàng
pause 停顿 tíng dùn
pave 铺设 pū shè
pavilion more translation tíng
pay 待遇 more translation dài yù
pay back more translation hái
pea 豆子 dòu zi
peace more translation
peach more translation táo
peacock 孔雀 kǒng què
peak 顶尖 more translation dǐng jiān
peanut 花生 huā shēng
pear more translation
pearl more translation zhū
peasant 农夫 more translation nóng fū
peat 泥炭 ní tàn
pebble 鹅卵石 é luǎn shí
peculiar 奇特 qí tè
pedagogy 教育学 jiào yù xué
pedant 夫子 fū zǐ
peddle 兜售 dōu shòu
pedestal 台座 tái zuò
pedestrian 行人 xíng rén
peep more translation kàn
peer 同辈 more translation tóng bèi

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