Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 675
panda 熊猫 xióng māo
panic 惊慌 more translation jīng huāng
panicky 恐慌 kǒng huāng
pansy 三色紫罗兰 sān sè zǐ luó lán
pant xiāo
panther more translation bào
pants more translation
paper 论文 more translation lùn wén
paperwork 证件 zhèng jiàn
papyrus 纸草 zhǐ cǎo
par 同位 tóng wèi
parachute 降落伞 jiàng luò sǎn
parade 标榜 more translation biāo bǎng
paradigm 聚合体 more translation jù hé tǐ
paradise 天国 more translation tiān guó
paragon 典范 diǎn fàn
paragraph 段落 more translation duàn luò
parallax 视差 shì chā
parallel 平行 píng xíng
paralysis more translation
paramount 至高 zhì gāo
parapet more translation
parasite 寄生虫 more translation jì shēng chóng
parasitic 寄生 jì shēng
parasol more translation sǎn
parcel 邮包 yóu bāo
parch 烘乾 hōng gān
pardon more translation dài
pare 剥掉 bō diào
parent more translation qīn
parentage 血统 xuè tǒng
parenthesis 括号 more translation kuò hào
parish 教区 jiào qū
park 停放 more translation tíng fàng

Word of the day:
craze · 狂热

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