Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 321
frog more translation
from more translation
front more translation qián
frontier 边境 more translation biān jìng
frost shuāng
frosty 霜白 shuāng bái
froth ōu
frown 愁眉苦脸 more translation chóu méi kǔ liǎn
frozen more translation
frugal more translation
fruit more translation guǒ
fry more translation zhà
fuel 燃料 more translation rán liào
fugitive 逃亡 táo wáng
fulcrum 枢轴 shū zhóu
fulfill more translation chōng
full 盎然 more translation àng rán
fullback 后卫 hòu wèi
fully 十分 shí fēn
fund 笔钱 more translation bǐ qián
fundamental 根本 more translation gēn běn
funeral 葬礼 more translation zàng lǐ
fungi more translation méi
fungus 真菌 more translation zhēn jūn
funnel more translation lòu
funny 好笑 more translation hǎo xiào
fur more translation máo
furious 猖狂 more translation chāng kuáng
furnace 炉子 more translation lú zi
furnish 供给 gōng gěi
furniture more translation huǒ
further more translation gèng
furthermore 另外 more translation lìng wài
fury 暴怒 bào nù

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.