Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 321
final 最后 more translation zuì hòu
finance 金融 jīn róng
financial 金融 more translation jīn róng
find 发觉 fā jué
fine 精细 more translation jīng xì
finesse 手腕 shǒu wàn
finger 手指 more translation shǒu zhǐ
fingernail 指甲 zhī jia
fingerprint 指纹 zhǐ wén
finish more translation chéng
fir 枞树 more translation cōng shù
fire more translation huǒ
firearm 火器 more translation huǒ qì
firecracker more translation pào
firefly more translation yíng
fireman 消防队员 xiāo fáng duì yuán
fireplace 壁炉 bì lú
firepower 火力 huǒ lì
fireside 炉边 lú biān
firewall 火墙 huǒ qiáng
firewood more translation chái
firework 烟花 yān huā
firm more translation jié
firmware 固件 more translation gù jiàn
first more translation chū
fixed 确定 more translation què dìng
flag more translation
flagging 淡薄 dàn bó
flagstone 石板 shí bǎn
flail more translation jiā
flake piān
flame more translation chì
flamingo 火烈鸟 huǒ liè niǎo
flank 腹部 fù bù

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.