Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 321
fluoride 氟化物 fú huà wù
fluorine more translation
fluorite 萤石 yíng shí
fluorspar 萤石 yíng shí
flush 淹没 yān mò
flute 长笛 more translation cháng dí
flutter 飘扬 piāo yáng
flux 焊剂 more translation hàn jì
fly 飘扬 more translation piāo yáng
foam 泡沫 more translation pào mò
focus 焦点 jiāo diǎn
fodder 饲料 more translation sì liào
fog more translation hàng
foggy more translation fēn
foil 金属薄片 jīn shǔ bó piàn
foliage 叶子 yè zi
folk 民间 mín jiān
folklore 民俗学 mín sú xué
follicle more translation
follow more translation zhǒng
folly 蠢事 chǔn shì
font 字体 more translation zì tǐ
food more translation zhuàn
foodstuff 食品 shí pǐn
fool 笨蛋 more translation bèn dàn
foolhardy 蛮干 mán gàn
foolish more translation bèn
foot more translation jiǎo
football 橄榄球 more translation gǎn lǎn qiú
footbridge more translation gāng
footnote 注脚 zhù jiǎo
footpath more translation
forehead more translation é
forestry 林学 lín xué
forever more translation cháng

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