Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 321
forfeit 被没收 more translation bèi mò shōu
forge 打制 more translation dǎ zhì
forget more translation xuān
forgive more translation dài
fork more translation chā
forlorn more translation chóu
form 养成 more translation yǎng chéng
formal more translation wén
format 格式 more translation gé shì
former more translation qián
formidable 可怕 more translation kě pà
formula 程式 more translation chéng shì
formulate 制订 zhì dìng
forsake 背叛 bèi pàn
fort 堡垒 bǎo lěi
forthright 明朗 míng lǎng
forthwith 顿时 more translation dùn shí
fortitude 坚忍不拔 jiān rěn bù bá
fortnight 两星期 liǎng xīng qí
fortunate more translation xìng
fortune more translation yùn
forty 四十 sì shí
forward 前言 more translation qián yán
fossil 化石 huà shí
foster 助长 more translation zhù zhǎng
foul 卑污 more translation bēi wū
foundation more translation chǔ
founder 创立者 more translation chuàng lì zhě
fountain 喷泉 more translation pēn quán
fourteen 十四 shí sì
fourth 第四 dì sì
fowl more translation
foxhole 避弹坑 bì dàn kēng

Word of the day:
experiment · 试验

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