Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 421 - 455 of 474
tsar 沙皇 shā huáng
tsunami 海啸 hǎi xiào
tuba 大号 dà hào
tube more translation tǒng
tuberculosis 肺结核 more translation fèi jié hé
tuck 挤进 jǐ jìn
tuft liǔ
tug 强拉 qiǎng lā
tuition 学费 xué fèi
tulip 郁金香 yù jīn xiāng
tumble 下跌 more translation xià diē
tumultuous more translation cáo
tundra 冻土 dòng tǔ
tune more translation
tunnel 地道 more translation dì dào
turban more translation
turbine 透平机 tòu píng jī
turbojet 涡轮喷气发动机 wō lún pēn qì fā dòng jī
turbulent 不稳定气流 more translation bù wěn dìng qì liú
turf 草地 cǎo dì
turkey 土耳其 more translation Tǔ ěr qí
turmoil 变乱 more translation biàn luàn
turn more translation biàn
turnip more translation bo
turnover 营业额 yíng yè é
turntable 唱机 chàng jī
turquoise 绿松石 lǜ sōng shí
turtle more translation guī
tusk 长牙 cháng yá
tutor 导师 more translation dǎo shī
tutorial 教程 jiào chéng
tweed 斜纹软呢 xié wén ruǎn ní
twelfth 第十二 dì shí èr

Word of the day:
kidney · 肾脏

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