Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 255
layman 外行 more translation wài háng
laymen 僧俗 sēng sú
layout 布局 bù jú
lazy more translation dài
lead more translation dài
leader 领导人 more translation lǐng dǎo rén
leaf 叶子 more translation yè zi
leaflet 传单 chuán dān
leafy 多叶 duō yè
leak 漏洞 more translation lòu dòng
leakage 渗漏 shèn lòu
lean more translation
leap more translation jué
learn xué
lease 租赁 more translation zū lìn
leasehold 租借 zū jiè
leash more translation xiè
least 最少 zuì shǎo
leather more translation
leave more translation bié
leaven 酵母 jiào mǔ
lecture 报告 more translation bào gào
led 发光二极管 more translation fā guāng èr jí guǎn
ledge 壁架 bì jià
leech 蚂蟥 more translation mǎ huáng
leek jiǔ
leeway 迴旋 more translation huí xuán
leg more translation kuà
legal 合法 hé fǎ
legend 传说 more translation chuán shuō
lemon more translation méng
lemonade 柠檬水 níng méng shuǐ
lend 借出 jiè chū
length 长短 more translation cháng duǎn
lengthen 加长 jiā cháng

Word of the day:
shape · 外形

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