Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 350
intersect more translation chā
interstice more translation jiān
interval more translation
intervene 干预 more translation gān yù
intimate 亲热 more translation qīn rè
intimidate 恫吓 more translation dòng hè
intolerable 无法忍受 wú fǎ rěn shòu
intoxicate 使醉 shǐ zuì
intractable 棘手 jí shǒu
introduce more translation jiè
introduction 前言 more translation qián yán
introspect shěng
intrude 挤入 jǐ rù
intuition 直觉 zhí jué
inundate màn
invade 进袭 more translation jìn xí
invalid 病人 bìng rén
invalidate 废弃 fèi qì
invaluable 无价 wú jià
invasion 侵略 qīn lüè
invent 编造 biān zào
invention 发明 fā míng
inventor 发明家 fā míng jiā
inversion 倒位 more translation dǎo wèi
invert 倒置 more translation dǎo zhì
invertebrate 无脊椎 more translation wú jǐ zhuī
invest 投产 tóu chǎn
investigate 侦查 more translation zhēn chá
investor 投资者 tóu zī zhě
inviolable 不可侵犯 bù kě qīn fàn
invisible 无形 wú xíng
invite 邀请 yāo qǐng
invoice 出厂价 more translation chū chǎng jià
invoke zhù
involuntary 自然而然 zì rán ér rán

Word of the day:
inoculate · 接种

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