Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 375
revere 尊敬 zūn jìng
reverse 挫折 more translation cuò zhé
revert 归还 guī huán
review 审阅 more translation shěn yuè
revile 辱骂 rǔ mà
revise 新修 more translation xīn xiū
revision 校订 more translation jiào dìng
revive more translation
revolt 暴乱 more translation bào luàn
revolutionary more translation hóng
revolve more translation xuàn
reward more translation chóu
rhenium lái
rhetoric 修辞 more translation xiū cí
rheumatism 风湿 fēng shī
rhinoceros more translation
rhodium lǎo
rhododendron 杜鹃花 dù juān huā
rhombus 菱形 líng xíng
rhubarb 大黄 dài huáng
rhyme 韵母 more translation yùn mǔ
rhythm 旋律 xuán lǜ
rib more translation lèi
ribbon more translation dài
riboflavin 核黄素 hé huáng sù
rice more translation dào
rich more translation
rickets more translation gān
rickshaw 人力车 rén lì chē
riddle more translation
ride chéng
ridge more translation
ridgepole 栋梁 dòng liáng
ridicule 愚弄 more translation yú nòng
ridiculous 好笑 more translation hǎo xiào

Word of the day:
crack · 崩裂

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