Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 375
relative 相对 more translation xiāng duì
relax more translation chí
relaxation 休闲 xiū xián
relay 转播 zhuǎn bō
release 版本 more translation bǎn běn
relevant 相应 xiāng yìng
reliable 确实 more translation què shí
relief 解脱 jiě tuō
religion more translation jiào
relish 美味 měi wèi
rely lài
remain 遗迹 more translation yí jī
remainder 零头 more translation líng tóu
remark 评注 píng zhù
remarkable 不简单 more translation bù jiǎn dān
remedy 挽救 more translation wǎn jiù
remember 记忆 more translation jì yì
remind 提醒 tí xǐng
reminisce 怀念 huái niàn
remit 赦免 more translation shè miǎn
remittance 汇款 huì kuǎn
remnant more translation líng
remorse 悔恨 huǐ hèn
remote more translation yáo
remove 拆除 more translation chāi chú
renaissance 文艺复兴 Wén yì fù xīng
rend liè
render 呈送 chéng sòng
renew 续订 xù dìng
renounce 背弃 more translation bèi qì
renown 名望 míng wàng
rent more translation
repay more translation chóu
repeal 废除 more translation fèi chú

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.