Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 375
rectify 整顿 more translation zhěng dùn
rector 牧师 mù shī
recuperate 复健 more translation fù jiàn
red more translation chì
redden 变红 biàn hóng
reddish 带红色 dài hóng sè
redeem more translation shú
reduce more translation cái
reed more translation
reef jiāo
referee 裁判 cái pàn
referendum 公民投票 more translation gōng mín tóu piào
refine 精炼 more translation jīng liàn
reflect 思考 more translation sī kǎo
refuge 避难所 bì nán suǒ
refugee 难民 nàn mín
regard 心意 more translation xīn yì
regent 摄政 more translation shè zhèng
regime 政权 zhèng quán
regiment more translation tuán
region more translation dài
regional 地区性 dì qū xìng
register more translation dēng
registrar 登记员 dēng jì yuán
regress 退步 tuì bù
regression 回视 huí shì
regret 遗憾 more translation yí hàn
regular 端正 more translation duān zhèng
regulate 调节 more translation tiáo jié
rein more translation xiè
reindeer 驯鹿 xùn lù
reinforce 增援 zēng yuán
rejoice 使高兴 more translation shǐ gāo xìng
relate 有关连 yǒu guān lián
relationship 关系 guān xi

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.