Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 456 - 490 of 496
audiovisual 直观 zhí guān
audit 审计 shěn jì
auditor 审计长 shěn jì zhǎng
auditorium 礼堂 lǐ táng
august 八月 more translation bā yuè
aunt 伯母 more translation bó mǔ
auntie 阿姨 ā yí
aurora 欧若拉 ōu ruò lā
auspicious more translation ruì
authentic 道地 more translation dào dì
authenticate 认证 rèn zhèng
author 作者 more translation zuó zhě
authoritative 权威 more translation quán wēi
authority 权威 more translation quán wēi
autism 自闭症 zì bì zhèng
autobiography 自传 zì zhuàn
automatically 自然而然 zì rán ér rán
autumn more translation qiū
auxiliary more translation
avalanche 雪崩 xuě bēng
avaricious more translation lán
avenge 复仇 fù chóu
avenue 大路 dà lù
average 平均 more translation píng jūn
avid 贪婪 tān lán
avoid more translation
await more translation děng
awake 唤醒 more translation huàn xǐng
awaken jǐng
award 颁发 more translation bān fā
aware more translation jué
awe 威严 wēi yán
awful 可怕 kě pà
awkward more translation bié
awl more translation jiān

Word of the day:
dominate · 支配

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