Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 386 - 420 of 496
ashore 岸上 àn shàng
ashtray 烟灰缸 yān huī gāng
aside 一旁 more translation yī páng
ask yāo
askew wāi
asleep 睡着 shuì zhāo
aspect 样子 more translation yàng zi
asphalt 沥青 lì qīng
aspire 热望 rè wàng
aspirin 阿司匹林 more translation ā sī pǐ lín
ass 驴子 lǘ zi
assailant 凶手 xiōng shǒu
assassin 凶手 xiōng shǒu
assassinate 暗杀 more translation àn shā
assassination 刺客 cì kè
assault 攻打 gōng dǎ
assay 试金 shì jīn
assemble more translation còu
assent 赞同 more translation zàn tóng
assert 宣称 xuān chēng
assiduous 刻苦 more translation kè kǔ
assign 分派 fēn pài
assimilate 吸收 xī shōu
assist more translation shè
assistant more translation
associate 联想 lián xiǎng
association more translation dǎng
assume 设想 shè xiǎng
assumption 臆测 yì cè
assurance 把握 bǎ wò
assure 包管 bāo guǎn
asterisk 星号 xīng hào
asteroid 小行星 xiǎo xíng xīng
asthma more translation chuǎn
astigmatism 散光 sǎn guāng

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coin · 硬币

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