Chinese Dictionary

English Chinese Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 351 - 385 of 496
arithmetic 算术 suàn shù
ark 方舟 fāng zhōu
arm 膀臂 more translation bǎng bì
armadillo more translation qiú
armchair 靠背椅 kào bèi yǐ
armistice 停战 more translation tíng zhàn
armoire 衣柜 yī guì
armor more translation jiǎ
armpit more translation
army 兵团 more translation bīng tuán
around 前后 more translation qián hòu
arouse 鼓动 more translation gǔ dòng
arrange more translation cuò
array 排列 more translation pái liè
arrest 捕拿 more translation bǔ ná
arrival 到来 dào lái
arrive 抵达 more translation dǐ dá
arrogant more translation ào
arrow more translation jiàn
arsenal 兵工厂 more translation bīng gōng chǎng
arsenic more translation
arsine 砷化氢 more translation shēn huà qīng
art 功夫 more translation gōng fu
artery 动脉 more translation dòng mài
article 报导 more translation bào dǎo
artificial 不自然 more translation bù zì rán
artillery 大炮 more translation dà pào
artisan 工匠 gōng jiàng
artistic 美观 měi guān
as 不啻 more translation bù chì
ascend more translation zhì
asceticism 禁欲主义 jìn yù zhǔ yì
ash huī
ashamed more translation cán

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landslide · 山崩

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.